Therapy is a team
You are the most important member

Accomplishing your goals
We listen
We seek to understand, and to help you understand better. Wisdom, insight, behavioral change, healing – all of these are a process and take time, skill, and patience.
Identify goals
There is no one-size-fits-all manual for parenting, marriage, happiness, or success. We help you develop your goals, clarifying and refining them to make them achievable.
Create a treatment plan
You come to therapy because you want help. We will build a treatment plan together that is customized for you. Your plan will help us monitor your progress.
Support and guidance
When you feel you have reached your goals, our doors are always open for you to come back and deal with any new issues or life changes that come along.

We collaborate with other members of your treatment team.
We can refer you to providers best matched to your unique needs and circumstances:
Psychiatric evaluation and medication
Psychological testing
Social skills groups
Educational tutoring
Educational and residential placement consultants
Geriatric care management
Intensive outpatient, day treatment and inpatient psychiatric treatment
Drug and alcohol evaluation and treatment
Parenting evaluation and mediation services
Life coaching and professional coaching
Anger management and domestic violence groups
Community self-help groups for addictions, ADHD, abuse survivors, etc.
If a crisis arises, you can use these resources:
Dial 911
Crisis Line of King County: 1-866-427-4747 or 206-461-3222
Alcohol/Drug 24 Hour Help Line: 206-722-3700
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-562-6025
Child Abuse Hotline:
Day Time Intake: 1-800-609-8764
After Hours Intake: 1-800-562-5624
Sexual Assault 24 hour Hotline: 1-888-998-6423

We are professionally trained in the following therapies:
Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)
CBT is a front-line treatment for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and a range of other challenges many people face.
Behavior Management Training
Behavior management training is the most effective psychosocial treatment approach for children with ADHD or disruptive behavior problems. Collectively, our therapists have been trained in the Incredible Years, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), the Barkley method, and the Nurtured Heart Approach.
Family Systems and Attachment
Understanding how family members work together and the relationships between family members is a major focus of treatment for individuals seeking help with their relationships, and often plays an important role in other life challenges as well.
Life Transitions / Trauma Recovery
Our therapists can help you make sense of changes and past events as you move forward in your life.
Dialectical Behavioral (DBT)
DBT is particularly effective for adolescents and adults with a history of self-harm and helps people regain control over their emotions and relationships with others.
Mindfulness and Positive psychology
We understand that when you come to Mercer Island Therapy you bring your own set of strengths and skills. Mindfulness practices and a focus on your strengths can help you create the future you envision for yourself.